The Rabbi Noah Weinberg Memorial Lecture, dedicated by the Axelbaum Family in memory of
Jerry Axelbaum a”h, presents Kivi Bernhard, award-winning speaker and internationally acclaimed author. His topic is Speaking of Jewish! The journeys of living loud and proud as a Jew while keynoting to Fortune 500 corporations across the globe and how they see us.
Jerry Axelbaum a”h, presents Kivi Bernhard, award-winning speaker and internationally acclaimed author. His topic is Speaking of Jewish! The journeys of living loud and proud as a Jew while keynoting to Fortune 500 corporations across the globe and how they see us.
The lecture will begin at 7 pm at the Frontenac Hilton with a dessert reception to follow.
Hilton Frontenac St. Louis, 1335 Lindbergh Blvd., Frontenac, MO 63131. Suggested donation is $18. RSVP to 314-862-2474 or to carengoldstein61@gmail.com
Hilton Frontenac St. Louis, 1335 Lindbergh Blvd., Frontenac, MO 63131. Suggested donation is $18. RSVP to 314-862-2474 or to carengoldstein61@gmail.com