Join Aish Hatorah for a Special Shabbat Lunch with our guest speaker David Sussman, of David Sussman Israel Tours. Hear about his first-hand account of serving in the IDF with lessons learned to help anyone live a more awesome and enjoyable life. His efforts are now focused on raising much needed funds for supplies for our brave IDF soldiers through justonechesed.org/aid4israel. Children’s program and babysitting available. Epstein Hebrew Academy, 8645 Old Bonhomme Road, St. Louis 63132
11:30 am Talk with David Sussman
11:30 pm Children’s Program & babysitting provided
12:30 pm Lunch for all
Cost: $15/adult; $12/child ages 5 – 12 (under 5, free)
RSVP required by November 8th to 314-862-2474 or cwolff@aishstl.com