“A Shul with a Story” — Aish Hatorah St. Louis: Changing the World, One Jew at a Time — by Judy Waldman, The Jewish Press, 23 February 2020

We hope you enjoy this story about Aish St. Louis that was written in memory of Kalman Packouz zt’l.

“While I considered Kalman a dear friend, I think everyone who ever met him probably felt the same way. That’s who Kalman was.  The Jewish Press has 100,000 subscribers. Hopefully our fellow Yidden reading about Kalman will elevate his neshama. Enjoy the article and please do just one more act of chesed today in memory of Kalman Moshe ben Avigdor” — Judy Kalman

Click to read the story, Page 1 and Page 2.